
All In One Beginner level 3A

  • Course level: Expert
  • Categories All In One 課程
  • Duration 04h 30m
  • Total Enrolled 38
  • Last Update November 8, 2023


All In One 系統性課程 Level 3A(Classical)



What Will I Learn?

  • 1. 極速睇五線譜技巧
  • 2. 融入兒歌、古典、流行
  • 3. 樂理(方便將來伴奏、樂譜研究,自學新歌)
  • 4. 彈奏技巧
  • 5. 雙手協調訓練
  • 6. 節奏特訓

Topics for this course

20 Lessons04h 30m

Unit 1:Play Around with 12 Keys

Lesson 1 – A、E Major Key (#)24:50
Lesson 2 – Bb、Eb、Ab Major Key (b)00:17:51
Lesson 3 – B、Db、F# Major Key(全黑)00:15:10
Lesson 4 – 音程(進階)- Level 117:33
Lesson 4 – 音程(進階)- Level 26:47
Lesson 4 – 音程(進階)- Level 35:29
Lesson 4 – 音程(進階)- Level 400:4:31
Lesson 5 – Ornament12:17
Lesson 6 – Orchestral Instruments Family6:47
Lesson 7 – Dance21:16
Lesson 8 – Cadence 終止式17:20

Unit 2:Perform on the Stage!

About the instructor

4.00 (2 ratings)

41 Courses

784 students


Material Includes

  • 一本實體書(All In One Level 3A)
  • Facebook 群組無限發問
  • 2個單元
  • 再附送完整Scale, Chord表

Target Audience

  • *6歲以上
  • *完全零音樂底子
  • *希望實現兒時鋼琴夢想
  • *曾經學過鋼琴,想重新打好基礎
  • *上班時間不穩定,想自行安排上課時間
  • *在音樂路上停滯不前,想嘗試嶄新教學方法