
Testing New Omusis Courses

  • Course level: Intermediate
  • Total Enrolled 7
  • Last Update August 15, 2021

Topics for this course

32 Lessons

Unit 1 : Start The Journey

Lesson 1 – Black & White
Lesson 2 – Note Name
Lesson 3 – 姿勢 x 五線譜認彈 C E
Lesson 4 – 基本拍子23:45
Lesson 5 – 五線譜認彈G14:34
Lesson 6 – 八度 Octave 左手 C Position8:28
Lesson 7 – 右手 G Position00:02:32
Lesson 8 – 左手 F Position11:42

Unit 2 : The Magic Of Chord

Unit 3 : What is Key?

Unit 4 : Grade 1

About the instructor

4.00 (2 ratings)

41 Courses

794 students
